November 13, 2015
OpenX Deploys Flexible Ad Unit Capabilities, Increasing Revenue Opportunities
Dynamic sizing option maximizes competition, delivers significant revenue lift
LOS ANGELES AND NEW YORK AND LONDON – November 13, 2015 – OpenX, a leader in creating programmatic advertising marketplaces, today announced the global availability of flexible ad units throughout its unified suite of products for desktop, mobile web and apps. The ability to accept and serve ad creatives of multiple sizes increases buyers’ flexibility and access to high-quality inventory in the OpenX Exchange with publishers experiencing an increase in yield ranging from 15 to 40 percent.
Websites and mobile apps that enable flex ad units experience significant lifts in revenue on those units due to a greater bid density, which ultimately increases the competition for each ad unit. OpenX leverages its proprietary auction technology to dynamically merge bids for the multiple size ad units into a singular auction, similar to the market leading Demand Fusion technology powering the OpenX SSP, which unifies network and real time exchange demand.
Flexible ad units increase inventory supply in the OpenX Exchange by giving the publishers control to include ad units of varying sizes that traditionally have had lower fill rates, such as rising stars or larger ad units. Additionally, publishers looking to provide custom solutions to preferred buyers can reserve this premium option for their PMP deals, providing buyers exclusive access to particular units.
“Working with a partner that is focused on providing excellent client service, like OpenX, we are able to develop a better understanding of newly introduced features that are designed to benefit our web properties and improve our yield,” Max Munton, Co-Editor at This is Anfield, one of the largest independent fan-run websites in world football. “OpenX also takes the time to provide individualized recommendations on how to maximize the results of their products, increasing our revenue, and more importantly setting us up for long term success.”
“Maximizing ad revenue through increased competition in a secure environment is in the DNA of our business. Multi-size ad units provide flexibility and value for both buyers and sellers as they look to achieve revenue targets and campaign goals,” Nicholas Cumins, SVP of Product at OpenX said. “At OpenX, we align our focus to the success of our premium publishers, while at the same time providing superior channels for marketers to reach the right audience in the right context with the most impactful ads.”
About OpenX
OpenX exists to help publishers grow their businesses by monetizing great content. We do this by creating highly efficient, high quality programmatic advertising marketplaces that deliver optimal value to all buyers and sellers of digital advertising.
Today, OpenX operates one of the largest, most efficient and highest quality programmatic markets in the world. Our unified solution contains a complete supply side platform powered by the unique OpenX Demand Fusion technology that merges network and Real-Time Bidding, and a comprehensive ad server.
At OpenX we have built a team that is uniquely experienced in designing and operating high-scale programmatic ad marketplaces. We are constantly looking for thoughtful, creative executors who are as fascinated as we are about finding new ways to apply a blend of market design, technical innovation, operational excellence, and empathetic partner service to the frontiers of digital advertising. @openx