Interest-Based Advertising / Legal
OpenX adheres to the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) Self-Regulatory Principles in the US and to the European Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) Principles in the EU and the IAB Europe OBA Framework.
As discussed here, the OpenX Ad Exchange uses cookies, Web beacons, pixels, etags, and similar technologies to give Publishers the possibility to offer, and Ad Exchange advertisers the ability to show, targeted ads on the device on which you are viewing this policy or a different device. These ads are more likely to be relevant to you because they are based on inferences drawn from location data, web viewing data collected across non-affiliated sites over time, and/or application use data collected across non-affiliated apps over time. This is called “interest-based advertising.” In addition, certain third parties may collect data on the OpenX website and combine this data with information collected from other websites over time for purposes that include interest-based advertising.
Opting Out for Cookie-Based Services: If you would like to learn more about this type of advertising, or would prefer to opt out of website interest-based advertising enabled by OpenX’s Ad Exchange, European Union residents may opt-out of this form of advertising by companies participating in the EDAA at and all other users may visit to opt out of this form of advertising by companies participating in the DAA self-regulatory program. Please note that in order for your opt-out choice to be effective using this tool, you must ensure that your browser is set to accept third-party cookies such as the OpenX opt-out cookie. Some browsers block third-party cookies by default, and you may need to change your browser settings to accept third-party cookies before opting out.
Opting Out for Certain Non-Cookie Services (in applicable countries): To help identify your browser and/or possible relationships between different browsers and devices, OpenX or our partners may use the local storage or cache in your browser. Using the browser cache or local storage helps OpenX or our partners deliver interest-based advertising to a browser without the use of third-party cookies. To opt out of OpenX’s use of local storage or the browser cache to provide its services, please (1) use any tools provided by your browser to clear local storage and the browser cache, and (2) turn on any “Do Not Track” header setting offered by your browser. As long as the two steps are completed and maintained on a browser, OpenX will not use local storage or the cache on that browser to identify and sync browsers and devices. If you also want to opt out of OpenX’s use of third-party cookies for interest-based advertising enabled by OpenX’s Ad Exchange, please see instructions above.
Opting Out for Mobile Application Data: To opt out of OpenX’s collection, use, and transfer of data for interest-based advertising on mobile apps, you may download the DAA’s AppChoices application from the Android or iOS app store on your mobile device. Users outside the United States may not have access to this application; instead, you can use “Limit Ad Tracking” in your iOS settings or “Opt out of interest-based ads” in your Android settings to limit OpenX’s collection of data for interest-based advertising.
Opting Out for Location Data: You may opt out of our collection, use, and transfer of precise location data by using the location services controls in your mobile device’s settings.
Effect of Opting Out: If you use a different device or browser, or erase cookies from your browser, you will need to renew your opt-out choice.
If you opt out of OpenX’s practices, you may continue to receive interest-based advertising through other companies. Third-party advertisers and ad networks that participate in the OpenX Ad Exchange may also use their own cookies and other ad service technologies to display and track their ads. We do not control and are not responsible for such third-party advertisers’ and ad networks’ information practices or their use of cookies and other ad service technologies. To learn more about the practices of these companies, please read their privacy policies.
Even if you opt-out, OpenX may continue to collect data for other purposes and you still will receive advertising from the OpenX Ad Exchange when you visit websites of a Publisher who uses our Services – but such advertising will not be targeted to you.
Please see OpenX’s Privacy Policy at